Monday, June 20, 2011

Evidence of the Future Coming

Last week in the NY Times Tom Friedman wrote an op ed piece about a friend of his who had just been on the cover of China Newsweek. Michael Sandel's claim to fame is that he is a Harvard political philosopher who is selling out the seats to his lectures on moral philosoohy in China, Japan and South Korea. The compelling lectures use real life moral questions i.e. "Is it ethical that David Letterman makes 700 times more money than a school teacher?"; or "Is is morally just to raise the price on snow shovels after a snow storm?". The questions are modern but Sandel asks the students to debate each other with how Aristotle, Kant and John Stuart Mill would respond. 

The lectures were filmed by WGBH in Boston in 2009 and can be seen on Last year Japan's NHK TV broadcast translated versions of the classes and there was so much interest that the University of Toyko had to create a course based on Sandel's.  Millions of students in China watched the uploaded translated Chinese versions of the classes. Sandel's visit to Asia in 2010 turned this moral philosopher into a rock star with long lines waiting to buy tickets, tickets being scalped for $500 a piece and the cover of China Newsweek. His book, "Justice: What's the Right Thing To Do?" has sold a million copies in East Asia. 

So why do I think this is a harbinger of the future?  We are slowly leaving the Age of Pisces and moving into the Age of Aquarius.  Even if the Age of Aquarius begins next year as Sai Baba's quoted in last week's blog, two big astrological events, a once every 20 years Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (last time in Aquarius in 1405) in December 2020 and Pluto's entrance into the sign Aquarius in May of 2023 will bring the new cultural shift into stronger focus.  Aquarius is an air sign.  Air signs like to talk and debate.  Aquarius is concerned that everybody is treated equally. Justice and social equality are the hallmarks of the sign of brotherly love. We are seeing evidence all around us, with the "Arab Spring", with Saudi Arabian women wanting to be able to drive, with moral philosophers becoming rock stars in Asia, that we are moving  into the Aquarian Age when the dignity of each person is valued and ideas are gold.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eclipse Season

In honor of this eclipse season (June 1st and July 1st, Partial Solar New Moon Eclipses, with the upcoming Total Lunar Full Moon Eclipse this week on Wednesday),  I thought I'd share with you some thoughts about these times from Sai Baba, sent by a friend.   Even if you have read it before it is worth rereading. Eclipses can bring sudden changes to our lives, like no other astrological influence. This is especially true if you, in your natal horoscope, share the same place in the "circle of life" (or zodiac) as where the eclipses are.  Sai Baba speaks of these changes both in our bodies and in our worlds.  And he speaks quite eloquently about the connection between mind and matter that is our theme in this blog.  Whether he is right about the timing of the beginning of the Aquarian Age, I nor anyone else, knows. 

"Year 2012 according to Sai Baba",2010. Extract from a conversation
between a reporter and the Social and Spiritual Reformer of India, Sathya
Sai Baba.

Sai Baba almost never gives interviews, so this is very special...

"Have you heard of the year 2012 like a year where something will happen?"

The truth is that the planet has been changing its vibratory state, and
this change has intensified since the year 1989 where the magnetic poles have
moved the last 20 years more than the past 2000. Well, in one way there are
several prophecies that signal this date like a term or important
conclusion in the history of humanity, but the most significant is the end of the
Mayan calendar, which prophecy has been interpreted in different ways. The most negative ones think that during this year the world will end, but it will
not be like that, it is known that during that year a new era will start,
the Age of Aquarius.

This has to do with the rotation of the whole solar system (solar cycle)
that goes passing through the different eras each one of them lasts 5125
years. The era in which we now are, called the Age of Pisces, started on
the year 3113 B.C. and ends on 2012. If there is a change on the earth's
magnetism, there is a change on the consciousness and also an adaptation at
the physical level for this new vibration. The changes are not only on our
planet, but also affect the whole universe, and today's science can verify

Inform yourself about the changes on the solar storms (that are magnetic
storms) and you will see that scientists are up to date with these things,
or ask about the movement of the magnetic poles during the last years, and
airports having to modify their instruments.

This change on the magnetism translates or it's perceived as an increment
of light, or an increase on the planet's vibration. For you to understand it
easily you must know that this vibration is affected and intensified due to
the consciousness of all human beings. Each thought, each emotion, each new
awakening of a human being towards the consciousness of God elevates the
vibration of the planet. This might seem a paradox, due to the fact that
the majority sees around themselves more hatred and misery, but this is not so.

There are many, even if I would like them to be more, that are trying to
get out of darkness to grow and become a better Son of God. I have been saying
this on previous messages, each one chooses where to focus the view, and
those who only see the darkness are focused on the drama, the pain and the
injustice. If you don't see the spiritual advancement that humanity has
made it is because you haven't focused on it, but if you do the right work and
liberate your mind of the negative you will open a space where you will be
able to manifest your divine essence that will put on the focus of what is
really happening with humanity and the planet.

Humanity is elevating its consciousness as never before.

"But how!...Can't you see the darkness?"

Yes, I see it, but I don't identify Myself with it, I'm not afraid of
it...How can I fear darkness if I see such clear light?...Of course I
understand those who fear, because I have also been standing where I could
only see the evil. This is why now I feel love for all of that. Darkness
it's not a force contrary to the light, it is absence of light. You cannot
invade the light with darkness, that is not how the principle of light
works. Fear, drama, injustice, hate and sadness only exist in states of
darkness, because you can't see the global context in which your life
develops, and the only way to see from the light when you are there is
through faith. Once you have increased your vibration and frequency (state
of consciousness) you will be able to see towards darkness and understand
what you have lived.

"But...How can You say this if there is more evil in the world everyday?"

There is not more evil...there is "more light", and that is what I'm
talking about on this message. Imagine that you have a room or warehouse where for
years you have been storing your things and is lit by a 40 w. bulb. Change
the bulb to a 100 w. and you will see what happens. You will see the mess
and the dust you didn't think existed. The dirt will be clearer. This is
what is happening, and this makes possible that a lot of people are reading
this without thinking of it as foolish, like it could have been some years

Have you noticed that today lies and deceit come to the surface faster than
before?...Well, to access God's understanding and life's functioning is
also faster than before.

This new vibration of the planet is what is making everyone nervous,
depressed or sick, because to be able to receive more light and to rise to
that vibrational level, people have to change physically as well as
mentally, they have to change the way they think and feel, and delete or
eradicate from their lives such beliefs or parameters that generally differ
from reality or that take them towards the negative side of things.

You must put your warehouses in order, because each day you are receiving
more light on your consciousness and even if you want to avoid it, you
should start putting your hands on the project and start the cleaning or
decide to live in the middle of the dirt.

This change creates physical discomforts, pains on the body, on the
skeleton system and most of the time; the medical tests can't find the reason or
illness that provokes it. Generally they relate it with stress or nervous
states; nothing farther from the truth, because these discomforts are
provoked due to negative emotions accumulated during our lives, fears and
anxieties that you have carried with you always and that now have the
opportunity to transcend and transmute. It's about that dust accumulated
for years that you are now seeing, for it to be cleaned.

There will be nights when you will wake up and stay up for a few
hours...don't alter yourself, read a book, watch TV, meditate, don't fight
thinking there is something wrong with you, it's the new vibration of the
planet that you're assimilating, you will go back to sleep and the next day
you will not feel a need to sleep more. If you don't flow with this process
properly, the pains will be more intense and you will be diagnosed
fibromyalgia, which is a name that medicine has given to these pains that
have no visible cause and for which they offer no treatment with concrete
results, they only give you a prescription for antidepressants and this
makes you escape the opportunity to change your life.

One more time you chose which reality you want to live, only this time the
drama will be more intense and of course will be the love. If the Light is
increased, also is the lack of need for it, this explains why there is so
much irrational violence during the last years.

We are living the best time that humanity has ever lived, we will be
witnesses and actors of the biggest transformation of consciousness that
you have ever imagined.

Inform yourself; wake up your unrest for these subjects. Science knows that
something is happening; you know that something is happening; we all know
that many changes are happening in many levels. Be a conscious actor of
these changes and don't let them take you by surprise because you don't
know what is happening.

(*) "Year 2012 according to Sai Baba",2010. Extract from a conversation
between a reporter and the Social and Spiritual Reformer of India, Sathya
Sai Baba.